Biomed – Quality supplements with long traditions
Did you know that Biomed, which has delighted and nurtured Ruohonjuuris customers with its high-quality products, is one of Finland's oldest companies in the natural products industry?

From bottom left: Anne Barck, Elias Jaakkola, Mesi (“Biomed Therapy Dog”), Birgit Stenroos From top left: Emilia Tuominen, Markku Heikkilä, Jaakko Bunda, Vesa Liikanen and Tomi Savolainen
The Story of Biomed
Biomed was founded based on the need from physicians giving nutritional therapies who needed suitable products as supportive care to heal people. The name Biomed comes from the words bio “biological”, med from “medicine”. Biomed was founded in 1982 by Kaarlo Jaakkola, a pioneer in nutrition therapy, whose nephew Elias currently works as Biomed's CEO. Kaarlo, on the other hand, now focuses on writing books and sparring with younger doctors at the respectable age of 81.
Biomed also has “sister companies” including Antioxidant Clinics, Mila Mineral Laboratory and health book publishing company Mividata.
Biomed's roots go back to the 1970s, when two hard-working nutritionists, Kaarlo Jaakkola and Raimo Hiltunen, a professor of pharmacy, became interested in animal-based neurolipids in treating sick people. Even then, it was known that fats extracted from the brain and nerve tissue of mammals are very similar to human cell membrane fat compounds.
Raimo developed the manufacturing method and equipment still running in Biomed's production facilities. Over the decades, Kaarlo has prescribed neurolipids as essential to people who are affected. At the Antioxidant Clinics founded by Kaarlo Jaakkola, doctors needed other safe and effective products for their patients. At that time, health stores did not have a comprehensive selection, and so the manufacturing and importing of suitable products also began. Biomed strives to make and produce products in Finland to the extent possible – unfortunately this is not possible, at least not yet, for all products.
As early as the 1990s, Biomed pressed Finnish wheatgrass juice into frozen cubes, to which spirulina, chlorella and green tea were added.
“So it can be said that we’ve been an absolute pioneer in green products in Finland. Green+ cubes were also recommended for rejuvenating a stressed body. In addition, people became interested at the time in switching amalgam fillings to another material because of detrimental mercury. For this purpose, the rejuvenating green products were an excellent insight,” Biomed states.
Biomed's Operating Principles
Biomed's operating principle is long-term cooperation with various research institutes, universities and practical physicians, as well as the utilization of know-how in various fields in product development.
Antioxidant Clinics, where several doctors treat patients with nutritional treatments, are closely related to Biomed's operations. In care work, of course, it is paramount that nutritional supplements are of high quality and functional.
It is no coincidence that quality-conscious consumers in particular are frequently fans of Biomed products. As the quality of raw materials is not compromised, the prices of Biomed's products are not always the cheapest. However, investing in quality pays off: When using Biomed products, you know that the packaging contains exactly what’s promised as well as the quantity of active ingredients promised on the packaging.
Biomed's Grapefruit Oil Drops are top-tier multifunctional products
The legendary Grapefruit Oil Drops are a favorite product of Biomed's Birgit Strenroos.
“Grapefruit drops can be used externally and internally for many purposes. Grapefruit oil drops can also be used to disinfect the surfaces of the home – it creates a wonderful scent. If washing the sinks, for example, a few drops is enough,” Birgit advises.
Biomed's Strong Curcumin is a popular favorite among Ruohonjuuri's customers
Ruohonjuuri's most popular Biomed product is Strong Curcumin, which was chosen as the Nutritional Supplement of the Year 2019 by the Finnish Health Trade Association.
At Biomed, the reason for the Strong Curcumin’s popularity is well understood: people have benefited from it for a wide range of ailments.
The second Biomed product with the most positive user experiences is Silicum Tonic silicic acid gel, which benefits almost everyone who has tested it.
“The effect is often noticed so soon that it is amazing. Many have even given small doses of it to small babies. In other words, silicic acid gel is suitable for almost everyone, for people of all ages.
Biomed's Bone Broth Powder has also received a lot of positive feedback.
- A teacher from Heinola called and said that he felt better very quickly with the help of bone broth. Now he uses a spoonful of bone broth powder every day, and doesn’t want to skip a day. It makes him feel so good,” Birgit says.
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