Boldly onwards – a better, plastic-free future!

After all, plastic as a material is not a problem in itself. Plastic is a key packaging material for many vital pharmaceutical and health products. It is durable and can be produced and transported in an economically sustainable way. Plastic is a problem when the plastics industry causes ozone layer erosion and a massive increase in CO2 emissions, or when consumers accustomed to a disposable culture refuse to reuse and recycle plastic packaging.
The packaging of the Nordic Health series is made of recycled material
“In 2019, our complete commitment to 100% recycled and recyclable plastic packaging across our entire product range became a reality.” – NordicHealth
Like many other brands, NordicHealth as well needs to leverage its expertise in packaging made from recycled materials – and has done so for the past year, developing recycled materials and carbon-free plastic packaging that enable significant reductions in its environmental impact.
Clean seas and streets, a better future
It is estimated that eight million tonnes of plastic end up in our rivers and seas every year. NordicHealth's bottles and pump bottles use plastic collected from the sea and the coast, as well as recycled plastic collected from the United Kingdom.
NordicHealth is committed to a long-term vision in terms of responsible plastic use and consumption. NordicHealth's plant-based plastics project uses sugar cane as a source of ethanol instead of fossil alternatives. This method of plastic production is carbon-free and thus a better alternative for the environment – actually more carbon dioxide is absorbed during growth than is released during production and transport.
Responsible use of wood in packaging
NordicHealth is one of the first companies in the world to use plant-based plastic packaging in its entire commercial product range.
All paper and cardboard used in NordicHealth products comes from 100% sustainably produced English wood. The FSC label is a guarantee of product responsibility. According to the ecological, social and economic framework, FSC-certified forests must be properly managed and inspected by an independent body. This makes FSC a unique system that ensures good forest management and guaranteeing local rights, as well as the continuity of local forest management. FSC certification is only granted to forests that meet strict standards – and NordicHealth only uses paper and cardboard that have the label.
In addition to packaging projects, NordicHealth has launched an environmental project that aims to compensate for the entire ecological footprint, including suppliers, growers and retailers. This includes avoiding insecticides and harmful chemicals on partner crops, as well as ensuring environmentally friendly transportation and packaging. Reducing the environmental impact of packaging is paramount and involves a lot of issues to consider, such as the level of expertise of the authorities. NordicHealth will continue to lobby governments to expand recycling and knowledge on the subject.
"We hope that our actions will act as a catalyst for change in our industry, encouraging other brands to commit to more environmentally responsible packaging and taking initiatives to make our planet a better place." - NordicHealth
You can find the Nordic Health Sprays available in Ruohonjuuri here >>