Carbon-Neutral World: Pukka plants a million trees with the “Tree Sisters”

Because the world is truly worth saving Pukka famous for its high-quality organic teas, collaborates with the tree-planting charity Tree Sisters. The goal is to plant a total of one million trees.
To date, 700,000 trees around the world have already been planted through the organization and by the end of 2021 the target of one million trees will be accomplished.
According to a recent study, reforestation is one of the best solutions to combat climate change. Indeed, the Tree Sisters currently plant more than two million trees a year, in 9 different tropical ecosystems. Donations made by Pukka will be used to plant trees, especially in Madagascar and Nepal, as these countries are close to the equator, thus being part of a tropical forest zone. It is in these areas that urgent reforestation (tree planting, etc.) is most effective in supporting the earth's natural cooling system, as trees grow three times faster in the tropical zone and sequester 3 to 9 times more carbon than those in the temperate zone.

By buying Pukka teas you help to reforest our world
Pukka began collaborating with the Tree Sisters back in 2017 by donating money to plant trees instead of sending Christmas cards. Over time, the individual collaboration project developed into a meaningful and far-reaching partnership based on a common goal to save our planet.
Protecting and restoring forests by planting trees will also help many endangered species (such as lemurs, sea eagles, and jaguars). Protecting unique habitats also supports local communities in the world’s poorest countries by providing them with sustainable incomes that free them from slavery-like conditions. Women around the world, in particular, are empowered when they get a long-term job that allows their children to go to school, often for the first time. Sustainable well-being, supported by the Tree Sisters, guarantees the protection of forests rather than their destruction.

Tree Sisters empowers women in a unique way
TreeSisters aims to make it possible for a global network of individuals and companies to contribute to changing the world through the reforestation of tropical forests. To date, the organization has funded the planting of more than 15 million trees in India, Kenya, Madagascar, Brazil, Mozambique, West Papua, Borneo, Cameroon and Nepal.
What makes TreeSisters unique is the way they call for a native but often ashamed, undervalued, or neglected leadership trait in women: the ability to feel deeply.
"When we feel one with nature, we also connect with the natural and cyclical intelligence of our own bodies - in which case we can reconcile our values and our daily choices to protect, serve and create life."
Such heart-derived leadership is called ‘feminine nature-driven leadership’ by TreeSisters. While TreeSisters' activities focus on women, they also welcome men to join. The ultimate goal of TreeSisters is to make it normal for everyone to give back to nature instead of just taking it.