Spring Season Health Tips
Which dietary supplements does Ruohonjuuris nutritionist recommend for use, especially in the spring? Get some tips from the Ruohonjuuri Blog!

How to enjoy the spring sun?
UVB radiation from the sun causes the skin to produce vitamin D. As is well known, Vitamin D is an important factor in, for example, calcium absorption and muscle function.
“To fill your vitamin D tank, your bare skin needs to be exposed to sunlight for fifteen minutes a day with no sunscreen, Ruohonjuuris nutritionist Eijaliisa Koivu explains.
“Sunlight also energizes and affects mood and alertness. At its best, sunlight acts as a powerful antidepressant,” Eijaliisa adds.
Sunshine also puts strain on the skin. The skin should therefore be protected from the sun with sunscreens to avoid the harmful effects of the rays. Can the adverse effects of sunlight be reduced through dietary supplements or food choices?
“Excessive exposure to the sun's UV radiation does strain the skin and can cause wrinkles. At worst, skin burns can predispose to melanoma. Protecting the skin both externally and with the help of food supplements is especially necessary for us light-skinned Finns. The antioxidant beta-carotene is a precursor to vitamin A, which is obtained, for example, from carrots or yellowish vegetables. It protects the skin from UV radiation and sun-induced aging changes, as well as increasing skin pigmentation,” the nutritionist advises.
“The formation of the skin pigment melanin is also affected by copper, which also protects against cellular damage caused by oxygen radicals. ‘Sunscreen capsules’ sold as food supplements also frequently contain antioxidants such as selenium, which prevent oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Selenium is easily obtained from Brazil nuts, for example. Good nutritional supplements for skin that enjoys the sun are, for example, Bertil´s series, Active Sunny Beach, and Multicarosine.
“Astaxanthin, on the other hand, is a carotenoid that can be helpful for summer skin, and for atopic people it can be recommended all year round. Natural sources of astaxanthin include crustaceans and salmon, which feed on herring and sprat, which in turn eat astaxanthin-producing oceanic algae.
"Externally used nourishing carrot oil contains vitamins A, B, C, D, E and F and that is a good vitamin cocktail for welfare on the skin. Internally, you can enjoy a powerful dose of invigorating carrot as a juice."

So what would be the optimal spring diet?
Which dietary supplements does Ruohonjuuris nutritionist recommend for use, especially in the spring?
“In the springtime it’s advisable to add a lot of carrots and yellowish vegetables to the diet as such, grated or juice, because of the beta carotene obtained from them. This makes it easy to protect the skin.” Eijaliisa Koivu suggests.
As spring progresses, some people suffer from pollen-induced allergy symptoms. That’s when it’s especially important to strengthen your immune system by eating clean and colorful food, without forgetting good fats and protein. At the same time, an adequate intake of vitamins and nutrients must be ensured.
“Vitamins that strengthen the body's immune system include vitamins C, D, B, and zinc. In addition to this, vitamin A strengthens the skin and mucous membranes, which is a good thing during allergies. Magnesium, in turn, helps reduce fatigue and exhaustion, which in the spring may come as a surprise. Intestinal fitness is also vital for people with allergies,” Eijaliisa reminds us.
“Nettle* is an actual miracle plant with many elements important for well-being. Nettle, e.g., affect the skin, well-being of the heart and blood vessels and bones, joints, and skin. In addition to this, it supports immune defense and missions. In spring you should collect it fresh and make a wonderful soup or stew. It is also easy to add dried nettle to smoothies,” Eijaliisa suggests.
“As a nettle friend, you should choose quercetin, which is obtained in addition to food supplements from onions, citrus fruits, apples, parsley, tomatoes, broccoli, and red wine. It is, therefore, an excellent idea to add these vegetables and fruits to the diet, which should be eaten with as little peeling as possible.”
If your skin is sensitive to sunburn, sun allergy, or liver spots, Ruohonjuuris nutritionist suggests starting the use of protective supplements well in advance before the most powerful sunshine ensues.
“Be sure to also protect yourself with a hat and appropriate clothing. Increasing light invigorates and is a good source of energy, so go out for a walk and stack up on the light. I also remind you to enjoy actual seasonal foods like nettles and rhubarb. They nourish the mind and bring energy to a new wonderful growth season!"
*EFSA approved health claims:
M-2008-1061 2152 - Urtica dioica (Common Name : Nettle) - Invigoration of the body
M-2008-1061 2177 - Urtica dioica (Common Name : Nettle) - Heart health
M-2008-1061 2285 - Lamium album - common name : white dead nettle - Renal
M-2008-1061 2498 - Urtica dioica (Nettle) - Respiratory health
M-2008-1061 2732 - Nettle (Urtica dioica L.) - Vein health
M-2008-1061 2766 - Plante : Ortie - Urtica dioica (Nettle) - Fonction säborrhäique de la peau
M-2008-1061 2821 - Nettle - Bone, nails, hair
M-2008-1061 3834 - Urtica dioica (Common Name : Nettle) - Invigoration of the body
M-2008-1061 3835 - Urtica dioica (Common Name : Nettle) - Joint health
M-2008-1061 3853 - Galeopsis segetum (Common Name : Hemp-nettle) - Respiratory health
M-2008-1061 3893 - Urtica dioica (Common Name : Nettle) - Blood health
M-2008-1061 3894 - Urtica dioica (Common Name : Nettle) - Immune health
M-2008-1061 3936 - Urtica dioica (Common Name : Nettle) - prostate healt
M-2008-1061 4498 - Urtica dioica-Herb-Nettle - Skin Health