Our ayurvedic products
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On this page you will find Ayurvedic products that our experts have selected for different body types: vata, pitta and kapha. Do you already know what your body type is? With us you will find the right products for your diet, beauty routine and well-being.

The basic products for all body types are ghee, turmeric and tongue scraper. Did you know that tongue scraping makes the whole body work better and stimulates digestion? Chyawanprash is suitable for all body types, but the difference is in the quantity. Chyawanprash is needed most for vata and least for kapha.

For vata, it is recommended to include heat, fat and spices in one's diet. For example, sesame oil, tahini, red lentils, black pepper, ginger, cinnamon and nuts are good. These ingredients make a wonderfully hearty and warming stew for autumn and winter!

Vata's beauty routines are mainly based on oils. Moisture is also particularly important for vata. Good products include sesame oil, vitamin E drops and Provida's vata oil blend, Moi Forest Dust Microbiome Magic Oil, Dr Hauschka's cleansing emulsion and rose cream and the super-moisturising Patyka Soothing milky toner.

Supplements recommended for vata are ashwagandha, Schindele mineral powder, B vitamins, vitamin C and Pureness Evening Magnesium.

The main keys to calming vata are routine and rest. So stick to a good routine and a regular rhythm of life. Allow time for rest and relaxation. A busy life makes room for happiness, calm and balance.

The most suitable foods for Pitta are Pitta churna, mung dahl, mild lentils, coconut oil and manna, cardamom, fennel, coriander, rose salt, chamomile, lavender, mint and peppermint, and green powders.

Pitta's beauty treatment should be soothing and moisturising. Products such as Laponie, Provida's Pitta oil blend, Dr Hauscka's Med series and Alteya's rose water are particularly suitable.

When it comes to supplements, pitta should prefer products that lower stress levels, such as brahmi and reishi.

The best things for pitta to do are things they can't perform. Peaceful walks and restorative hikes, listening to soothing music or pampering yourself with a soothing massage with a cooling oil.

Kapha's diet should not contain dairy products or anything that increases mucus production. Sugar should also be omitted. Ghee is recommended to be used in small quantities. Good ingredients are chickpeas, tomatoes, ginger, coffee, paprika, strong black and green teas, vinegar, dried ginger and black salt, i.e. kala namak.

Kapha's beauty products include lighter, light products and warm, stimulating foot baths. Suitable treatments include fruit acid masks, mud masks, guasha, massage with suction cups and dry brushing.

In terms of supplements, kapha benefits best from digestive stimulants, lactic acid bacteria and ginger products.

The best thing for kapha is to move around and keep an early circadian rhythm. Kapha's home includes warmth, warm clothes, spices and warm baths. Stimulating massages and dry brushing are a plus for kapha.

Three-fennel tea, 20 bags
5,20 € Regular price 6,50 € Sale price